Chief Wealth Officer (CWO)

Def: “Oversees, Plans, and Directs the Activities of Wealth Building and Preservation”

Wealth is lost in the gaps. We work to coordinate your plan, your portfolio, and your team of professionals for all your wealth building efforts.

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Financial Planning


Your CWO will walk you through a systematic approach to develop your family's goals, understand your current finances, and optimize your next steps.

Tax Planning


We believe in a multi-year approach to tax planning. By taking the time to understand your plans we can work to optimize your plans beyond April 15th. Your CWO will assist you in conversations with your tax preparer.

Portfolio Management


You will have access to professionally managed portfolios backed by decades of academic research. Your portfolio will be designed for your family's goals, with special attention given to tax efficiency, expense control, and risk management.

Specialized Services


Planning for tech professionals require going beyond the basics. Our team of personal CWO's have taken the time to develop planning systems to address specific needs around equity compensation, consulting, and business exits.

client pathways

Our Personal Chief Wealth Officer model is designed to fill the gap that’s been left by traditional investment advisors and tax preparers. Our Pathways are designed with your needs in mind. We offer our services in two transparent packages to fit your needs.

CWO consultation

Our 6 month consultation engagements are designed to develop a thorough financial plan to take you from goals discovery to plan execution.

This is our entry offering for clients who want a professionally designed and implemented plan but do not yet need asset management or planning services on an ongoing basis.

Your plan consultation is a 6 month contract with a series of meetings to develop your plan over 3 months, followed by 3 months dedicated to implementing your custom financial plan

full-service CWO

Our premier offering is for clients looking for a long term relationship that includes asset management and proactive tax and financial planning on an ongoing basis

Along with constructing your plan, you will have access to our portfolio management services and annual service calendar.

Your CWO will work to proactively identify and communicate investment and planning opportunities and be available as your primary point of contact for your financial needs across your professional team.

transparent pricing

Our pathways are priced clearly to help you make the best decision as your family chooses a planning partner for your unique needs

CWO consultation

Your 6-month engagement is priced based on your situation.

Starting rate is $6,500 and increases based the complexity of your individual case needs.

The fees is paid in two installments with half upfront and half at the midpoint of the engagement when the plan is completed and presented

full-service CWO

Annual fees are paid directly from your invested portfolio.

The annual fee is based on a blended rate according to the following:

The first $500,000 at 1.25%
The next $1.5 Million at 1.00%
The next $3 Million at 0.75%
The next $5 Million at 0.50%

For clients with assets greater than $10,000,000 rates will be negotiated

ready to design
your plan?

Take the first step.